Nirgudkar Farms

Nirgudkar Farms

Nirgudkar Farms was endeavour born of the conviction that organic farming is the path to reaping a bountiful harvest of nature’s finest. Started on a solitary acre at Tulapur, 26 k.m. from Pune, on Pune – Nagar road, it has today grown to an almost 50 acres showcase of organic farming at it best.

From fruits like strawberries, grapes, guavas & watermelons to coconuts farm and lemon trees, from green vegetables like lady fingers & French beans to sweet corn & baby corn, we grow them all. Apart from the best organic farming process we have even experimented with the use of music and chanting of gayatri mantra to boost yield.

Our produce is in great demand for its high quality and intrinsic natural taste and is almost entirely exported. Nirgudkar Farms began as an experiment to prove that organic farming produces nature’s finest. It has now become Mother Nature’s very own gardens.

Most Products of Nirgudkar Farms are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and socially responsible approach. We at Nirgudkar Farms have adopted a method of farming that works at grass root level preserving the reproductive and regenerative capacity of the soil, good plant nutrition and sound soil management thus producing nutritious food rich in vitality which has resistance to diseases staying true to Nirgudkar Foundation theme of “Recycling Goodness”.

Organic Farming
"Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.."
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements

Need for Organic Farming:
Most Indians are- and very strangely so - unconcerned about the quality of the food they consume. Despite numerous and regular reports in the media about the presence of pesticides and other chemical contaminants in food and water, Indians have not been goaded into searching for and demanding food grown in a non-toxic way. We are also very isolated from the food production process and many of us do not have the faintest idea where our food comes from or how it is grown.

The approach and outlook towards agriculture has seen a quantum change worldwide over the last few decades. Whereas earlier the seasons and the climate of an area determined what would be grown and when, today it is the "market" that determines what it wants and what should be grown. The focus is now more on quantity and "outer" quality (appearance) rather than intrinsic or nutritional quality, also called "vitality". Pesticide and other chemical residues in food and an overall reduced quality of food have led to a marked increase in various diseases, mainly various forms of cancer and reduced bodily immunity.

This immense commercialisation of agriculture has also had a very negative effect on the environment. The use of pesticides has led to enormous levels of chemical buildup in our environment, in soil, water, air, in animals and even in our own bodies. Fertilisers have a short-term effect on productivity but a longer-term negative effect on the environment where they remain for years after leaching and running off, contaminating ground water and water bodies. The use of hybrid seeds and the practice of monoculture have led to a severe threat to local and indigenous varieties, All this for "productivity"

This is where organic farming comes in. Organic farming has the capability to take care of each of these problems. Besides the obvious immediate and positive effects organic or natural farming has on the environment and quality of food, it also greatly helps a farmer to become self-sufficient in his requirements for agro-inputs and reduce his costs.

Few of the many Benefits of Organic Farming:

  • Eating organic foods may in fact, reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer for individuals who abstain from consuming produced by conventional farming methods. Biochemist are continually researching the inherent benefits of organically grown foods and discovering the consequences consuming products loaded with toxins and chemicals which, until recently, have only begun to be introduced to humans. The fact is, you ultimately are what you eat.
  • Organic farming promotes soils that are teaming with life and rich in micro nutrients which can be used for decades to grow crops virtually year round in many parts of the world.
  • Organic farms can support substantially higher levels of wildlife especially in lowlands and where animals can roam pastures or graze on grassland. Not only does wildlife benefit, but entire ecosystems and ground water are improved by simply following organic farming methods.
  • Organic farming practices not only benefit farmers and consumers; but the dairies can benefit. When dairies feed their cows organic feed and graze them on organic fields, the cows experience better health, less sickness, diseases and ultimately produce better tasting milk for consumers.